I’ve been around this online game for a long, long time. I started designing web sites back in 1996, for fun, then decided to make a career of it. 10 years later I was neck deep in the early days of blogging and Twitter and a plethora of other fledgling social networks (Plurk, anyone?). I’ve seen a lot of things come and go since then, the good, the bad and the ugly…and I wouldn’t trade any of it.
The More Things Change…
The More Things Change…
The More Things Change…
I’ve been around this online game for a long, long time. I started designing web sites back in 1996, for fun, then decided to make a career of it. 10 years later I was neck deep in the early days of blogging and Twitter and a plethora of other fledgling social networks (Plurk, anyone?). I’ve seen a lot of things come and go since then, the good, the bad and the ugly…and I wouldn’t trade any of it.